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Human Factors and Safety
Our core concern is to make human work in socio-technical systems safe and pleasant. Human Factors is concerned with the application of knowledge about people, their abilities, characteristics and limitations to the design of the devices they use ...
... the environments in which they work and the activities they perform. (Human Factors and Ergonomics Society). The assessment is based on relevant human factors knowledge about which (sub-) tasks benefit from being performed by a human, i.e. from human skills and abilities. These include the ability to solve unforeseen problems, a high degree of adaptability and flexibility. There are also (sub)tasks that are less suitable and could lead to higher error rates. These are, for example, tasks that have to be completed under time pressure, require multitasking or permanent vigilance. In this context, reference is often made to the dirty dozen of human factors that influence people's performance (Drury 2001).
The consideration of human factors is generally relevant in the design of workplaces in which people interact with technology alone or together with others, but especially when human tasks are reallocated to automated tasks. The core concern of HFC Human-Factors-Consult GmbH is to make human work in these socio-technical systems safe and pleasant. Our experts from the disciplines of psychology and human factors provide support in all aspects of designing technical working environments and systems for the information processing of human actors. In this way, workplaces are designed to be human-centred, over- and under-stressing is reduced and human errors are minimised. Human factors measures thus also increase the acceptance and satisfaction of technology users.