Project description
Countering crises more efficiently (ResKriVer)
ResKriVer - Communication and information platform for resilient, crisis-relevant supply networks
As the 2020/2021 pandemic showed, supply bottlenecks for vital goods (such as protective equipment, medicines, technical devices) can arise very quickly in our globalised world. In order to be able to react better and faster in future crisis and disaster scenarios, measures must be taken to ensure the supply of system-relevant institutions, such as maintaining supply chains of crisis-relevant goods. The aim of the ResKriVer project is to develop and implement a data platform using AI to collect, generate and communicate crisis-relevant information and to forecast the effects of supply bottlenecks in order to be able to react earlier than before. This can include sourcing information from the population through social media channels, collecting information directly from the population and using new technologies such as edge computing via drones and disaster lighthouses.
We at HFC assist this project by acting as an intermediary between the application partners (such as Charité, rbb and the Berlin Fire Brigade) and the partners who develop the technical solutions. We have already conducted extensive interviews and workshops with all partners. At the beginning of the project, we were already able to identify support needs and wishes, but also possible potentials, in the requirements analysis. We documented more than 30 use cases and grouped them into topic clusters. Furthermore, we accompany the project and conduct the evaluation of the technical solutions together with the partner YOUSE.
The project will be conducted in the period 2021 - 2024 and is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action (funding code 01MK21006F).
Project partners