Project description
Human-robot collaboration for SMEs (KUKoMo)
KUKoMo - New concepts for the implementation of collaborative assembly systems for small and fluctuating production quantities and their successful introduction in SMEs
The aim of the project was to support small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in developing and prototyping innovative solutions for human-robot collaboration. With the help of these guidelines, assembly work in SMEs can be tested for suitability for the use of HRC (human-robot collaboration). The guides also provide assistance for the planning, implementation and commissioning of HRC solutions. New solutions for control concepts, gripper technology and safety technology were developed. The application cases came from the electronics manufacturing, appliance manufacturing, textile industry, automotive and heat treatment sectors and thus covered a broad spectrum of different requirements and goals. The results were validated under aspects of economic efficiency.
The integration of robots into the production of SMEs requires careful consideration of the work processes as well as the wishes and fears of the employees. If these are not taken into account and if human-robot collaboration is not established in the sense of real cooperation between human and machine, a failure of the integration is predestined. HFC as an expert in human-technology interaction was responsible for the participative introduction of human-robot collaboration in the companies. Through the intensive involvement of the workforce as well as an extensive analysis of their work situation and specific requirements for the automation, HFC was able to achieve a successful implementation of human-robot collaboration.
This research and development project, which lasted from 01.10.2016 - 31.12.2019, was funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research in the programme "Innovations for tomorrow's production, services and work" (funding reference 02P15A020- 02P15A029) and supervised by the Project Management Agency Karlsruhe.
Project partners