Project description
New interactive television concepts to participate in (ACTION-TV)
ACTION-TV - User Interaction Aware Content Generation and Distribution for Next Generation Social Television
Within the ACTION-TV project, we developed technologies together with our partners that allow viewers to experience immersive, interactive television. The application scenario of the project in the form of a game show is familiar to today's TV viewers, but it also enabled 3D interaction with the players of a TV show: viewers could watch a pre-produced show in the classic way or actively participate as candidates using an avatar from their own living room.
The active part offered two active game rounds - a quiz and a dance choreography. During the show, the contestants could be supported by their friends and interact with the show in their social environment. For this purpose, group of friends and show-specific chat and posting possibilities were offered.
In the project we worked on two main tasks: Firstly, we developed evaluation methods and survey instruments for User Experience (UX) and Quality of Experience (QoE). These were applied in different project phases for formative and summative evaluation of the interaction concepts and 3D representations of the users. We also developed personalised audio algorithms to enhance the immersion of the users participating in the show via the audio presentation at home.
ACTION-TV project was a STREP (Specific Targeted Research Project) that was co-funded by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme (grant number 611761).
Project partners